Monday, April 4, 2016

                              Insult poem         Enrique baca

               B yoour so mean your starting to look like a jelly bean
               you tink you can rhyme against me
              your acting like a little queen

               even you dont like to work
               you had to become a clirk
               then you became a jerk

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Enrique Baca
the unforgettable life event A2
One day a man named kade and his wife named Patricia got a house they could rent because they had no money this man would do anything for his wife. So one day kade went to gamble with twenty dollar he won fifty so he though if he could gamble with more money he would get double, that’s when everything got interesting. One day Patricia notice they started getting money more and more then when she saw her bank account she thought that could go and buy a house but kade showed up in a 1969 dodge charger.

She yells at kade and begs him to take the car back kade says (I know things have been tough but I trying to make everything better , so I got a car so you can to visit your family more often).
So one day after making a lot of money on a slot machine kade thinks to up his game on the blackjack table in the casino. So he wins the first game the he bet money he didn’t have on the next hand. That’s when everything started to go wrong...
            The man kade bet against ha a crew named The Riders  the riders are the most hated in the small town.Money started to disapere before thay new it they had to get kicked out of their house. And when kade’s wife got sick he had to brow money form the riders leaders. That's when kade made a mistake.
when time passed by patricia began to feel better then when the deadline to pay back the the riders boss,Kade didn't have the money so one day the riders tried to  take his wife but kade shot a member from the riders in the arm then the leader started terrorising the belongings. then one day kade found his wife missing and a note on the fridge with a cat magnet holding it up. The note said (If u dont get my money your wife will be killed painfully).
so when kade saw he grabbed gun from helpful friends and then he ran and got into the dodge charger and went to the interstate and drove for six hours strait in the deasert with little gas left he finally reached his destinotion at a abandoned wearhouse were a town use to be before it got  washed out when a flood happened he had whatever money the the riders had him pull into the old shed and then the car ran out of gas then the rider had kade get out of the car saw his wife tied up in ropes in a chair by a old chemical pool because pool water been sitting there for years  never cleaned so when he threted to kill his wife he pulled out his 7mm relover and shot at the rope holding her tied down.
Then ran and got behind a metal bearral for cover and pulled out hand held shot guns and started shoting people  that started to come after kade then patrica got a car that blonged to the riders and started it and backed out and started too go faster and faster towards the wearhouse wall to drive through it.
When kade ran out of ammo in his shot gun a man came and pointed a gun at kade head but patrica went through the wall and hit the guy that was going to kill kade. Then kade got one of the guys pistols that patrica killed and saw the leadeer runing for a car and drove off so kade hoped into the car patrica crashed through the wall and chased kade found a machete in the back to when he got close he threw the mechete at the van tire making him to crash then kade got patrica and killed the rider boss and took the meachtete and killed the boss with out heastation.
patrica got a job in the navy while kade was rebuilding the brrocked house and made it more protcted so no one ccan hert his family ever again.

Thursday, January 7, 2016